Compose your personalised message and order in just a few clicks!

Order the recording of your audio messages for switchboard, voicemail or IVR.
You will receive the messages you have ordered within 48 hours. Money Back Guarantee.

Recording personalised audio messages for business switchboards can be difficult and time-consuming, but TelephoneVox is here to help. With our simple calculator, you can quickly determine the price of the recordings and proceed with the order if it meets your criteria. Alternatively, you can request a quote by sending an email to [email protected]. With TelephoneVox, companies of all sizes can easily access personalised audio messages for their switchboards, which give a professional and refined look to their business: wait no longer; request a quote today!

Choose your language

Mother tongue voices
of each country

We deliver flawless messages in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic.
Real speakers read your text exactly as written, using the perfect national diction.


Select the voice

Only the most beautiful voices
for advertisements

Our speakers have been chosen respecting certain quality criteria: their voices are clean, well enunciated, clear and with no cadences.
Ideal for the voicemails and switchboards of the best companies!


Write the text

Custom texts
for your company

Compose the voicemail, switchboard, IVR message tailored to you. You can get some ideas from our welcome, on-hold, IVR, offices closed, lines busy, holiday closure and tree messages.


Choose your music

The soundtrack
of your messages

Our archive is made up of splendid backing tracks to be used for switchboard messages for which the broadcasting rights have already been obtained by Telephone Vox.
But you can also choose famous backing tracks!


Customise your phone greetings

Create your messages